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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Baker, V.R. The Channels of Mars Austin: Univ. of Texas 1982 1st ed. 198 p.
Batson, R.M., P.M. Bridges, and J.L. Inge. Atlas of Mars: the 1.5M Map Series. Washington D.C.: NASA 1979 NASA SP-438. 1st ed. 146 p. A well done work covering topics such as nomenclature, planimetric mapping procedures, contour mapping, the mapping team, and a bibliography of Mars cartography. This needs a great deal of revision soon, with new information expected from the Surveyor and the Pathfinder probes.
Blunck, Juergen. Mars and Its Satellites: a Detailed Commentary on the Nomenclature. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press 1977 1st ed. 222 p. A 2nd edition was published in 1982.
Carr, Michael H. The Surface of Mars. New Haven: Yale University Press 1981 1st ed. 232 p. A classic work. Good, scientific discussion of surface features, w/many maps and photos. Also has an excellent bibliography.
Kieffer, H.H., B. M. Jablonsky, C.W. Snyder, and M.S. Matthews, eds. Mars. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona 1992 1st ed. an excellent collection of 38 articles covering all aspects of Mars research. Includes a glossary, bibliography, color plate section, and an appendix on the origin and use of Martian nomenclature. Accompanied by two sets of maps from the USGS, covering the topology and geology of the Martian surface. 1498 p.
Mutch, Thomas A., et. al. The Martian Landscape. Washington D.C.: NASA 1978 1st edition. 160 p. with 3-d glasses. NASA SP-425. Images of Mars from the Viking missions.
Pittendrigh, Colin, Wolf Vishniac, and J. P. T. Pearman eds. Biology and the Exploration of Mars: Report of a Study Held Under the Auspices of the Space Science Board 1964-1965. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council 1966 1st edition. 516 p. Illus.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Osservazioni Astronomiche e Fisiche sull'asse di Rotazione sulla Topografia del Pianeta Marte fatte nella Reale Specola di Brera in Milano Coll'Equatoriale di Merz (Opposizione del 1886). Rome: Reale Accademia dei Lincei 1897(?) 1st edition. 50 p. Illus. Schiaparelli's notes on Mars from his observations of the Opposition of 1886.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Osservazioni Astronomiche e Fisiche sulla Topografia e Constituzione del Pianeta Marte fatte nella Specola Reale in Milano Coll'Equatoriale di Merz-Repsold Durante l'Opposizione del 1890. Rome: Reale Accademia dei Lincei 1910 1st edition. 60 p. Illus. Schiaparelli's notes on Mars from his observations of the Opposition of 1890.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio. translated by William Sheehan. Astronomical and Physical Observations of the Axis of Rotation and the Topography of the Planet Mars. First Memoir, 1877-1878. Asscoiation of Lunar and Planetary Observers 1996 1st English language edition. 59 p. Illus. Monograph number 5.
Slipher, Earl C. A Photographic History of Mars: 1901 - 1961. Flagstaff: Lowell Observatory with the assistance of the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, USAF 1962 1st edition. 168 p. Illus. Very nice fold out map of Mars at back. A surprisingly scarce title.


last updated 23 Aug. 2003 jea