Quarterly Mars Bibliography The fascination, both scientific and popular, with Mars goes on even when spectacular missions are not crowding front pages and driving people to NASA websites. But with more news, more articles, more publications to look through, finding information you want about Mars is not always easy. The Quarterly Mars Bibliography (QMB, ISSN pending) will be created to pull together all the various published and public works about Mars into one publication and make those of us interested in the fourth planet aware of their existence. If you want more to be notified when the publication comes out, please email me at editor@marsearth.com The QMB will be organized into 2 parts:
Popular science articles will be duplicated, as both are of interest to the two different reading audiences. Each entry will contain bibliographic information about the item, including subject key words from a controlled vocabulary drawn and in places modified from the NASA Thesaurus. example entry:
Subject terms are from the specific to the general, with the second term always noting the geographic region of Mars where the study takes place where appropriate. Abstracts will be added if possible, but probably not for the first few issues. Publication dates are tentatively February, May, August, and November. If
you want to be notified when the publication
comes out, please email me at editor@marsearth.com. |
last updated 22 Aug 2003 jea |