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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes

International Exploration of Mars: the 4th Cosmic Study of the International Academy of Astronautics. Paris: International Academy of Astronautics 1996

Viking I: Early Results. Washington D.C.: NASA 1976 NASA SP-408. 67 p.
Baker, David. Exploring Mars. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Enterprises 1987. 1st edition. 48 p. For mid grade school - early jr. high.
Bergreen, Laurence. The Quest for Mars: the NASA Scientists and Their Search for Life Beyond Earth. London: HarperCollins 2000 1st UK edition. 355 p. Same book as the other Bergreen title. A look at the motivations, discussions and experiments of the late 20th century American scientists who have been looking for life on Mars.
Bergreen, Laurence. Voyage to Mars: NASA's Search for Life Beyond Earth. New York: Riverhead Press 2000 1st edition. 355 p. A look at the motivations, discussions and experiments of the late 20th century American scientists who have been looking for life on Mars.
Caidin, Martin. Destination Mars. Garden City NY: Doubleday 1972 1st ed. 295 p. A distinct book, not an earlier edition of Caidin's 1997 book.
Caidin, Martin and Jay Barbe with Susan Wright. Destination Mars in Art, Myth, and Science. New York: Penguin Studio 1997 1st ed. 228 p. A very goood popular book published in a year when many books on the subject were published. Especially good on discussing early fiction. A distinct work, not an updating of Caidin's 1972 book with a similar name.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Mystery Unfolds London and New York: Oxford University Press 2001 1st edition. Cattermole builds from his earlier 1992 work.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Story of the Red Planet London: Chapman and Hall 1992 1st UK edition. A look at Mars region by region.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Story of the Red Planet New York: Chapman and Hall 1992 1st US edition. A look at Mars region by region.
Chambers, Paul. Life on Mars: the Complete story London: Blandford 1999 1st edition. 222p. A good recent overview of the efforts taken to investigate the possibility of life on Mars, starting with early observations and Lowell. The focus of the book is on more recent scientific efforts.
Chandler, David. Life on Mars. New York: E. P. Dutton 1979. 1st edition. 212 p. Explores the possibility of life on Mars. Does not appear a paperback version was published.
Clarke, Arthur C. The Snows of Olympus: a Garden on Mars. London: Gollancz 1994 1st British edition. True first edition.
Clarke, Arthur C. The Snows of Olympus: a Garden on Mars. New York: W.W. Norton 1995 1st U. S. edition. 120 pgs. Preceeded by the British
edition, 1994.
Collins, Michael. Mission to Mars: an Astronaut's Vision of Our Future in Space. New York: Grove,Weidenfeld 1990. 1st edition. 307 p. An Apollo astronaut suggests Mars mission plans and concepts.
Ezell, E.C. and L.N. Ezell. On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet. Washington D.C.: NASA 1984 1st ed. Chronology and History of the Viking Mission, with discussion of earlier probes as well. NASA SP-4212. 535 p. with extensive notes. Trade paperback.
Flammarion, N.Camille. La Planete Mars et ses Conditions d'Habitabilitie'. Gauthier-Villars et Fils 1892-1909 1st ed. 2 vols. 608 and 598 p., respectively. Standard work covering the history of Mars thought and exploration up to 1909. A draft English translation apparently exists in one copy only, at the Lowell Observatory Library in Arizona.
Gibbons, John, et al. Exploring the Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office 1991. Also known as report OTA-ISC-502 and PB91-220046. A report by the Office of Technology Assessment. The report is also available in 10 pdf files at Princeton, but don't count on it always being there. The NASA Link will probably be more stable in the long run.
Ip, W. H. B. H. Foing and P. L. Masson editors. The Moon and Mars : Proceedings of the B0.3 and B0.4 Symposia of COSPAR Scientific Commission B which was held during the Thirty-second COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July, 1998. Oxford: Pergamon 1999 1st edition. Advances in Space Research v. 23 no. 11.
Joels, Kerry Mark. The Mars One Crew Manual. New York: Ballantine 1985 1st edition. 182 p. Softcover. A popular detailed, though hypothetical, look at the first manned mission to Mars.
Ley, Willy and Werner von Braun. Project Mars - a Master Blueprint for Mans First Exploration Trip to Mars London: Badger 1961 1st paperback edition of Exploration of Mars, with black and white illustrations only it seems.
Ley, Willy and Werner von Braun. The Exploration of Mars. London: Sidgewick and Jackson 1956 1st edition. 184 p. Has good bibliography of books. Color illus. and 5 b&w illus. by Chesley Bonestell, perhaps the best known illustrator of Mars.
Ley, Willy and Werner von Braun. The Exploration of Mars. New York: Viking 1956 1st U.S. ed. 176 p. Has good bibliography of books. Color illus. and 5 b&w illus. by Chesley Bonestell, perhaps the best known illustrator of Mars. Has image of rocket leaving the orbit of a planet etched into the front of the binding.
Matsunaga, Spark M. The Mars Project: Journey’s Beyond the Cold War. New York: Hill and Wang 1986 1st edition. Written by the late U.S. Senator from Hawaii. Calls for a joint US-Soviet mission by the end of the century.
McKay, Christopher P., ed. The Case For Mars II: Proceedings. American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1985 1st edition. AAS Science & Technology Series 62. Proceedings of a conference held July 10-14 1984.
McMillen, Kelly ed. The Case For Mars V: Making Mars an Affordable Destination. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 2000 1st ed. AAS Science & Technology Series 97. Proceedings of a conference held May 26-29, 1993 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
McMillen, Kelly ed. The Case For Mars VI: Making Mars an Affordable Destination. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 2000 1st ed. AAS Science & Technology Series 98. Proceedings of a conference held July 17-20, 1996 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Meyer, Thomas R. ed. The Case For Mars IV: International Exploration of Mars - Volume I: Mission Strategies and Architectures. Volumes 2: Considerations for Sending Humans. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1997 1st edition. 2 volumes. AAS Science & Technology Series 89 and 90. Proceedings of a conference held June 4-8 1990 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Miles, Frank and Nicholas Booth. Race to Mars: The Harper & Row Mars Flight Atlas. New York: Harper & Row 1988 1st edition.
Miles, Frank and Nicholas Booth. Race to Mars: The Harper & Row Mars Flight Atlas. London: Macmillan 1988 1st UK edition.
Miles, Frank and Nicholas Booth. Race to Mars: The Harper & Row Mars Flight Atlas. Toronto: Harper Collins 1988 1st Canadian edition.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. London: Frederick Muller 1955 1st edition. 144 p. May be the very first edition of the similarly titles 1977 work by Moore.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. New York: Macmillan 1958 1st American edition. 124 p. May be the first edition of the similarly titles 1977 work by Moore.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. New York: W.W. Norton 1977 1st American edition. 214 p. Covers the history of the exploration of Mars up to Viking. May be an second edition of his earlier 1955 work of the same title.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. London: Lutterworth 1977 1st UK edition. 214 p. Covers the history of the exploration of Mars up to Viking. May be an second edition of his earlier 1955 work of the same title.
Morton, Oliver. Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination, and the Birth of a World. New York: Picador USA 2002 1st US edition. 357 p. A detailed study of the people, ideas, and missions that have dealt with the surface details of Mars. Includes a good discussion artists and their role as well.
Morton, Oliver. Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination, and the Birth of a World. London: Fourth Estate 2002 1st UK edition. 357 p. Interior side of the dust jacket has a stunning colored map of Mars. A detailed study of the people, ideas, and missions that have dealt with the surface details of Mars. Includes a good discussion artists and their role as well.
O'Leary, Brian. Mars 1999: Exclusive Preview of the U.S.-Soviet Manned Mission. Harrisburg: Stackpole Books 1987 1st edition. 160 p.
Oberg, James E. Mission to Mars: Plans and Concepts for the First manned landing. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole 1982 1st edition. 221 p. Fairly good bibliography for a popular title.
Perminov, V. G. The Difficult Road to Mars : a Brief History of Mars Exploration in the Soviet Union. Washington, D.C. : NASA 1999 q1t edition. 79 p. Illus. A short history of the tremendously supported yet unsuccessful Soviet Mars exploration missions.
Pittendrigh, Colin, Wolf Vishniac, and J. P. T. Pearman eds. Biology and the Exploration of Mars: Report of a Study Held Under the Auspices of the Space Science Board 1964-1965. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council 1966 1st edition. 516 p. Illus.
Portree, David S. F. Humans to Mars: Fifty Years of Mission Planning 1950 - 2000. Washington D.C.: NASA 2001 1st edition. 152 p. Illus. NASA SP 2001-4521. Monographs in Aerospace History #21. aAdetailed inside look at NASA planning for manned Mars Misions. Very good bibliography.
Raeburn, Paul and Matt Golombeck. Mars: Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet. New York: National Geographic 1998. 1st edition.
Reiber, Duke B. ed. The NASA Mars Conference. San Diego: Univelt 1988 1st edition. 535 p. the 21-23 July 1986 conference at the National Academy of Sciences, sponsored by NASA and the American Astronautical Society. AAS Sciecne and Technology Series, vol. 71.
Richardson, Robert S. Exploring Mars. New York: McGraw-Hill 1954 1st edition. 261 p. . Approx. 1/3 of the book discusses the asteriods and other planets in the solar system.
Richardson, Robert Shirley. Exploring Mars. New York: McGraw Hill 1954 1st edition. 256 p. Went through multiple printings.
Rovin, Jeff Mars! the First Complete Book of Martian Fact and Fantasy. Los Angles: Corwin Books 1978 1st edition. 244 p. A good overview of science and fiction about Mars, superseded by Caidin's Destination Mars (the more recent of the two by that title).
Sheehan, William and Stephen James O'Meara. Mars: the Lure of the Red Planet. New York: Prometheus Books
1st edition. 406 p. A more popular apporach than his earlier "Planet Mars", this work covers both the history of Mars and human imagination and more recent developments in science.
Shirley, Donna with Danelle Morton Managing Martians: New York: Broadway 1998 1st edition. 275 p. A very interesting and useful work, with about half dedicated to Shirley's experiences and work as themanager of the Mars Exploration Program at JPL, in particular her work with Pathfinder. No index, however.
Stoker, Carol and Carter Emmarteds. Strategies for Mars: A Guide to Human Exploration. San Diego: American Astronomical Society, Univelt 1996 1st edition. (xxiv) 619 p. AAS Science and Technology Series vol. 86 .
Stoker, Carol, ed. The Case For Mars III: Proceedings. Volume I: General Considerations for Going to Mars. Volume II: Technical Section. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1989 1st edition. 2 volumes. AAS Science & Technology Series 74 and 75. Proceedings of a conference held July 18-22 1987.
von Braun, Wernher. The Mars Project. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois 1953 1st edition. 91 p. Based on Das Marsprojekt, a special issue of the magazine Weltraumfahrt, 1952. A softover was published in 1962.
Walter, M. R. The Search for Life on Mars. Cambridge MA: Perseus 1999 1st edition. xiv, 170 p.
Washburn, Mark. Mars at Last! New York: G. P. Putnam 1977 1st edition. 1st popular history of the Viking missions.
Zubrin, Robert and Richard Wagner. The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must. New York: Free Press 1996 1st edition. 328 pgs. Foreword by Arthur C. Clarke. A staple in the Mars Society (www.marssociety.com) canon of works.


last updated 23 Aug. 2003 jea