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Mariner 9 Space Probe                                                   Back to Subjects

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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Berry, Graham. Life on Mars? The Incredible Photographic Mission of Mariner IX. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press 1973 1st edition. Illus. 56 p.
Bradbury, Ray, Arthyr C. Clarke, Bruce Murray, Carl Sagan, and Walter Sullivan. Mars and the Mind of Man. New York: Harper & Row 1973 1st edition. A classic work from some of the most famous Martian visionaries. Taken from a panel session at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory one day before Mariner 9 arrived at Mars, with commentary from the panel added after the Mariner results were in.
Hartmann, William K. and Odell Raper. New Mars: Discoveries of Mariner IX. Washington D.C.: NASA 1974 1st edition. Illus. 179 p.
Mariner 9 Television Team & Planetary Program, NASA. Mars as Viewed by Mariner IX. Washington D.C.: NASA 1974 1st edition. Illus. 225 p. Revised edition in 1976.


last updated 23 Aug. 2003 jea