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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Antoniadi, E.M. La Planete Mars; etude basee sur les resultats obtenus avec la grande lunette de l'observatoire de Meudon et expose analytique de l'ensemble des travaux exectures sur cet astre depuis 1659. Paris: Librairie Scientifique Hermann et Cie 1930 1st ed. 5 maps, 239 p. "Ouvrage illustre de 150 figures dans le texte et de dix planches hors texte donnant des vues telescopiques de Mars et des cartes detailles de la plantete". One of the seminal works on Mars, a classic study of the history of observation of the planet as well as a record of Antoniadi's own excellent work.
Antoniadi, E.M. trans. by Patrick Moore. The Planet Mars. Shaldon, U.K.: Keith Reid, Ltd. 1975 1st English language ed. One of the seminal works on Mars, a classic study of the history of observation of the planet as well as a record of Antoniadi's own excellent work.
Baker, David. Exploring Mars. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Enterprises 1987. 1st edition. 48 p. For mid grade school - early jr. high.
Boston, Penelope J. ed. The Case For Mars I: Proceedings. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1984 1st edition. AAS Science & Technology Series 57. Proceedings of a conference at Boulder, Colorado from April 29 - May 1981. 1st in a series of important Mars conferences.
Burgess, Eric. Return to the Red Planet. New York: Columbia University 1990 1st ed. Not a 2nd edition of Burgess’ earlier work, but a new one which looks at the broader history of Mars exploration and history and current theories and questions about the planet. Includes a nice glossary. 222 p.
Caidin, Martin and Jay Barbe with Susan Wright. Destination Mars in Art, Myth, and Science. New York: Penguin Studio 1997 1st ed. 228 p. A very goood popular book published in a year when many books on the subject were published. Especially good on discussing early fiction. A distinct work, not an updating of Caidin's 1972 book with a similar name.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Mystery Unfolds London and New York: Oxford University Press 2001 1st edition. Cattermole builds from his earlier 1992 work.
Firsoff, V.A. The New Face of Mars. London: Ian Henry 1980 1st ed. In leatherette covers. Arguably a 2nd edition of his 1969 work. 159 p.
Firsoff, V.A. The World of Mars. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd 1969 1st ed. 128 p. Paperback only.
Glasstone, Samuel. The Book of Mars. Washington D.C.: NASA 1968 1st edition. SP-179. Covers what was known about Mars up to Mariner 9. 315 p.
Kieffer, H.H., B. M. Jablonsky, C.W. Snyder, and M.S. Matthews, eds. Mars. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona 1992 1st ed. an excellent collection of 38 articles covering all aspects of Mars research. Includes a glossary, bibliography, color plate section, and an appendix on the origin and use of Martian nomenclature. Accompanied by two sets of maps from the USGS, covering the topology and geology of the Martian surface. 1498 p.
Knight, David C. First Book of Mars: an Introduction to the Red Planet. New York: Franklin Watts 1966 1st edition. 96 p. For late grades thru jr. high.
Levitt, I.M. A Space Traveler’s Guide to Mars. New York: Henry Holt 1956 1st edition. 175 pgs. There was at least one other printing, in 1958.
Levitt, I.M. A Space Traveler’s Guide to Mars. London: Gollancz 1957 1st UK edition. 172 pgs.
McKay, Christopher P., ed. The Case For Mars II: Proceedings. American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1985 1st edition. AAS Science & Technology Series 62. Proceedings of a conference held July 10-14 1984.
McMillen, Kelly ed. The Case For Mars V: Making Mars an Affordable Destination. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 2000 1st ed. AAS Science & Technology Series 97. Proceedings of a conference held May 26-29, 1993 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
McMillen, Kelly ed. The Case For Mars VI: Making Mars an Affordable Destination. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 2000 1st ed. AAS Science & Technology Series 98. Proceedings of a conference held July 17-20, 1996 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Meyer, Thomas R. ed. The Case For Mars IV: International Exploration of Mars - Volume I: Mission Strategies and Architectures. Volumes 2: Considerations for Sending Humans. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1997 1st edition. 2 volumes. AAS Science & Technology Series 89 and 90. Proceedings of a conference held June 4-8 1990 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. London: Frederick Muller 1955 1st edition. 144 p. May be the very first edition of the similarly titles 1977 work by Moore.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. New York: Macmillan 1958 1st American edition. 124 p. May be the first edition of the similarly titles 1977 work by Moore.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. New York: W.W. Norton 1977 1st American edition. 214 p. Covers the history of the exploration of Mars up to Viking. May be an second edition of his earlier 1955 work of the same title.
Moore, Patrick. A Guide to Mars. London: Lutterworth 1977 1st UK edition. 214 p. Covers the history of the exploration of Mars up to Viking. May be an second edition of his earlier 1955 work of the same title.
Moore, Patrick. Patrick Moore on Mars. London: Cassell 1998 1st edition.
Planetary Society/Virtual Reality Labs. Visions of Mars. Virtual Reality Labs 1994 A CD-ROM which contains more than 70 novels, stories, and articles about Mars, from a 10th century Arabic poem to Robinson’s Green Mars. Also included are 54 images of the planet drawn from sf and astronomy sources. Radio selection include Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds and part of a documentary made the night the Viking I lander, now named Thomas A. Mutch Station, settled on Mars.
Richardson, Robert Shirley. Exploring Mars. New York: McGraw Hill 1954 1st edition. 256 p. Went through multiple printings.
Rovin, Jeff Mars! the First Complete Book of Martian Fact and Fantasy. Los Angles: Corwin Books 1978 1st edition. 244 p. A good overview of science and fiction about Mars, superseded by Caidin's Destination Mars (the more recent of the two by that title).
Sheehan, William. The Planet Mars: A History of Observation & Discovery. Tucson: University of Arizona 1996 1st edition. 270 pgs. A more advanced and academic look at the history of Mars in human civilization and science. Highly recommended for any student of Mars.
Stoker, Carol, ed. The Case For Mars III: Proceedings. Volume I: General Considerations for Going to Mars. Volume II: Technical Section. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, Univelt 1989 1st edition. 2 volumes. AAS Science & Technology Series 74 and 75. Proceedings of a conference held July 18-22 1987.
Wilford, John Noble. Mars Beckons. New York: Knopf 1990 1st edition. 244 p. A very good introductory work which looks at the history of observation, exploration, and Terran thinking about Mars.
Zubrin, Robert and Maggie Zubrin, editors. Proceedings of the Founding Convention of the Mars Society San Diego: Univelt 1999. 1st edition.


last updated 23 Aug. 2003 jea