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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Brandenburg, John E. and Monica Rix Paxson. Dead Mars, Dying Earth. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press 1999 1st edition. 311. An ecological work noting how current environmental actions and policies here might turn us into the next Mars., by comparign martian climatalogical history with Earth.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Mystery Unfolds London and New York: Oxford University Press 2001 1st edition. Cattermole builds from his earlier 1992 work.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Story of the Red Planet London: Chapman and Hall 1992 1st UK edition. A look at Mars region by region.
Cattermole, Peter. Mars: the Story of the Red Planet New York: Chapman and Hall 1992 1st US edition. A look at Mars region by region.
Granger, Robert A. Life on Mars Lady Lake, FL: Scientific Archives 1997 1st edition. 164 p. A serious work looking at the conditions for life on Mars.
Keating, G. M. editor. Exploration of Venus and Mars Atmospheres: Proceedings of the Symposium of COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission C and of Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission B of the COSPAR Twenty-ninth Plenary Meeting held in Washington, DC, U.S.A., 28 August-5
September, 1992
Oxford: for the Committee on Space research by Pergamon 1992 1st edition. vi, 189 p.
Vaucouleurs, Gerard de. Physics of the Planet Mars: an Introduction to Areophysics. London: Faber & Faber 1954 1st English language edition. 365 pgs.
Vaucouleurs, Gerard de. Physics of the Planet Mars. An Introduction to the Science of Areophysics. New York: Macmillan 1954 1st US edition. 365 p.
Vaucouleurs, Gerard de. Physique de la Planete Mars - Introduction a l'Areophysique Paris: Albin Michel 1951 1st edition. 420 p. Paper wraps.
Wells, R. A. The Geophysics of Mars. Amsterdam, New York: Elsevier 1979 1st edition. xxi, 678 p. illus.


last updated 23 Aug 2003 jea