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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Baker, V.R. The Channels of Mars Austin: Univ. of Texas 1982 1st ed. 198 p.
Gornitz, V. The Geology of the Planet Mars. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross 1979 1st ed. Volume 48 of Benchmark Papers in geology. Contains 26 important technical articles about the geology of Mars. 414 p.
Kieffer, H.H., B. M. Jablonsky, C.W. Snyder, and M.S. Matthews, eds. Mars. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona 1992 1st ed. an excellent collection of 38 articles covering all aspects of Mars research. Includes a glossary, bibliography, color plate section, and an appendix on the origin and use of Martian nomenclature. Accompanied by two sets of maps from the USGS, covering the topology and geology of the Martian surface. 1498 p.
Moore, H.J., R.E. Hutton, G.D. Clow, and C.H. Spitzer. Physical Properties of the Surface Materials at the Viking Lander Sites. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office 1987 1st ed. USGS Professional Paper 1389. 222 p.
Mutch, Thomas A., et. al. The Martian Landscape. Washington D.C.: NASA 1978 1st edition. 160 p. with 3-d glasses. NASA SP-425. Images of Mars from the Viking missions.
Mutch, Thomas A., R.E. Arvidson, J.W. Head, K.L. Jones, and R.S. Saunders. The Geology of Mars. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University 1976 1st edition. 400 p. Covers geologic nformation known before the Viking missions.


last updated 23 Aug 2003 jea